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Tarot Combination Series - 2 - Five of Swords + King of Swords + King of Pentacles

Writer's picture: Jacqueline SevenstarJacqueline Sevenstar
Tarot Combination Knight of Swords Queen of Pentacles King of Pentacles
Five of Swords, King of Swords, King of Pentacles

Tarot Combinations Series - 2

Five of Swords + King of Swords + King of Pentacles

Five of Swords King of Swords King of Pentacles
Five of Swords King of Swords King of Pentacles photo by Sevenstar Tarot

"Finding Pleasure in the Physical World with the Power of Thought & Positive Thinking"

‘There is no such thing as linear progression. It does not matter whether we are at the end or the beginning, whether we are the winner or loser. I am alive. I AM. I think, therefore I am. I am what I believe myself to be. So… just be.’



Welcome to the second post in the Tarot Combination Series brought to you by Sevenstar Tarot, conceptualized and written by yours truly, Jacqueline Sevenstar. I am excited to be here with you. Enjoy!

Let’s continue, shall we?

I believe Tarot is a Key to unlock certain doors in the unconscious of the Self as well as a Stargate in the vast field of limitless possibility. You, as a soul in a body on Earth in this lifetime have so many experiences. What is incredible about the Tarot is that its 72 cards can represent so many of those experiences and help you navigate them. My intent with these specific tarot combinations is that your Soul receives a specific combination lock to a specific door and experience. Once you have this key code and walk through this door, your Soul can integrate and advance on this Fool’s Journey to freedom, divinity and truth. Once you receive this code, no one can take it away from you, it is yours to keep.

If you’ve found this combination, it was meant to find you and you’re right on time.



Overall Impressions & Insights on this Combination Key :

My first thought with the 5 of swords was about a war with no winners, no matter the victor. I then thought about one of my favorite sayings “it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about how you play the game.” Yet, I am reminded about the horrors of war and how it takes over everything and no one is spared its effects. Maybe it’s all of us humanity on the battlefield, preoccupied with strategy, winning, the victory or the spoils. Why do we go to war? One side with nefarious greedy intentions and the other side protecting what’s theirs, the proverbial side of righteousness? Perhaps both sides are greedy.

War is also quite the big show - so many characters playing on the biggest stage, with the world’s most spectators watching how it all unfolds. Yet… all along there was always a choice, another solution, a different perspective. No one wins at war. There is far too much destruction in its wake. What a frenzy. I cannot help but think about the idea of war in itself - it is a human idea, an idea nations chose as the only resolution for conflict. There's so much drama in this “fight,” when in the end, we are all just arguably fighting ourselves. The “necessity” of war begins as man’s thought that it is an outright necessity and yet it is man’s construct. How powerful it would be to declare there is no such thing as war. Things are as I say they are. My truth is the only one that matters. If everything in our reality is a reflection of our thoughts, then simply declare that is no war, my life is but only peace. I choose peace.

If I choose to think peace and embody peace, then I must also act towards my peace.

The concept of choosing and acting on peace makes me think of the two following cards, the King of Swords and the King of Earth. If we can somehow detach from drama in our minds and choose peace instead, what often follows is clarity. We essentially are like the King of Swords (a Master of Air, intellect and thought). Clarity of thought and choosing peace is not the full story, however, which is why I love the inclusion of the last card, the King of Pentacles. To see peace reflected in our reality, it's not a matter of just being clear minded and choose peace, we must also act. The King of Pentacles, when working at his best, is taking his clear thought in a clear direction and working to manifest that idea in physical reality. I think seeing the King of Swords and King of Pentacles side by side is a beautiful representation of how to take our thoughts and manifest them in physical reality.

I like to imagine the King of Swords as someone who see’s truth at the highest level and then lives by his own truth. He would make a good judge, or a diplomat presiding over difficult decisions because of his ability to see true and see the truth in others. He would also be good at keeping emotions out of the decision. He sits on a throne, with a sword in his hand, with a clear, blue sky behind him. The top of throne has a butterfly in the center of two crescent moons, which makes me wonder if the King has mastered his own subconscious and unconscious. His face appears stoic, stern and appears as if he would fight for the truth. For his truth. Truth is reality. If I am a Master of Swords, a Master of Air, then one can conclude that I can detach from emotion and see truth, speak truth, own my truth and act in my truth. I decide. I am the decider. I AM.

If I delve deeper to seeing the King of Swords and King of Pentacles, one a Master of Air and the other a Master of Earth, it has me thinking about the quote by Robert Place, ‘thinking is the product of energy rising up from the lower soul centers.' In his book “The Tarot, Magic, Alchemy, Hermeticism, & Neoplatonism, 3rd Ed, he makes the distinction that desires rise up from our Sacral chakra (genitals), and it is in our minds (Head) that we clarify those desires and find ways of fulfilling them. He also states the energy of these thoughts want to ‘descend to the sacrum and manifest in physical reality.’ I think we can take this relationship with the King of Pentacles and King of Swords a step further and add an element of desire. If we can practice deep listening and tune into our lower energy centers, we can hone in on our Soul's true desires by processing them in our minds and the making a decision to act on those desires. Put simply, there is Desire + Choice + Action. If we know our desires, and continually choose to act on them in a repeatable way, while all along staying positive throughout the process, then a natural conclusion could be a pleasurable manifestation into our physical reality. Perhaps we have found our own idea of bliss on Earth.

I think this arrives at our ultimate theme of the relationship between Earth and Air, which I have decided to see as how to find enjoyment in the physical world. If our world is a mental creation, then why wouldn’t we make our reality a reflection of our truest desires? The 5 swords serves as a nice reminder to the power of positive thinking, to turning any challenge or obstacle into a win.

I will leave you with these questions - how can you look at any situation in your life and gain a winning perspective or position? What choices are in front of me and how can I choose in favor of my personal truth? Lastly, what action can I take to align with my truth and desires?


Keywords and Phrases for each Card :

Five of Swords
Five of Swords photo by Sevenstar Tarot

Five of Swords

Loss . War/Battle . Positive Thinking . Winning Perspective . Determined . Persistence

  • 'You may not have won, but you will profit’

  • ‘It’s not a matter if you win or lose, only how you play the game’

King of Swords
King of Swords photo by Sevenstar Tarot

King of Swords

Air . Butterflies . Aquarius . Intellect . Thought . Sky . Clarity . Truth . Decisions . Head . Stoic

  • ‘He is the embodiment of Positive thinking’ - Robert Place “The Tarot, Magic, Alchemy, Hermeticism, & Neoplatonism, 3rd Ed."

King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles photo by Sevenstar Tarot

King of Pentacles

Steady . Reliable . Businessman . Grapes . Harvest . Bull . Taurus . Wealth . Castle . Courage . Protector . Defender

  • ‘His work reflects his own interests and he earns a living doing what he wants’

  • ‘Master of his physical environment


Want to book a one on one Tarot session with me? Click "book now" by either the 30 min or 1 hour sessions below to see my availability and schedule!



Good luck Travelers! I am with you on this journey. May you never feel alone and I pray you realize the Blessed Mother walks beside you always.

Yours in the Magic & the Mystery,

Jacqueline Sevenstar


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