Hello Soul Traveler! Here's information on the available services.
Have any questions about the below Services? Use the "Let's Chat!" button when I'm online, or visit my Contact page.
Consider this your first step in your soul traveling journey. Know Thyself. It will be your most important tool! I have put together an extensive blueprint workbook to discover your unique soul essence. Find out what your soul programmed into your blueprint before arriving upon Earth.
Using this knowledge, you can hone in on your Sacred Calling and your highest potential in this lifetime.
You'll receive a customized Cosmic Soul Blueprint Book along with 1-Hr session with me to go over it all with you.
A few things you'll learn about your soul:
Major Archetypes (Main Personality Traits and Gifts)
Minor Archetypes
Major Karma (Shadow Lessons)
Minor Karma
Natal Astrological Chart (optional)
Planetary Influences
Elemental Influences
What your Soul activates in others by simply being yourself
Plus more!
On your soul journey sometimes we lose clarity about where we are and where we are going. The Soul Mapping service will help you map where your soul currently resides and provide you with guided action steps to get aligned to your highest path.
Soul Mapping is my personal favorite when I need a hail mary to gain direction and clarity.
You'll receive a customized Soul Mapping Workbook along with an 1-Hr Session with me to go over it all with you.
A few things you'll learn with Soul Mapping:
Major Archetypes (Personality Traits & Gifts) being Activated
Major Karma Presently Activated
Collective Planetary Influences (the stuff that's not your fault)
Individual Planetary Influences (how the planets are currently effecting you individually)
Elemental Influences
Chakras Activated/Diminished
Messages from your Spiritual Team about your next steps
Suggested Self-Care Rituals
Plus more!
If you want to get serious about getting in alignment with your highest incarnation, check out the Soul Mapping Plus! package in the Packages section. It includes this service plus a 33-Day customized energy exercise unique to you that will help integrate and activate you to the next level on your Soul Journey.
Oracle Cards are my personal tool to receive insights and messages from my Spiritual Team and Higher Self. For me, Oracle Cards transformed my life and I want to share that experience with you.
I know that the amount of Oracle Cards out there is overwhelming and my Oracle Card matching can help narrow down your search. I use my natural abilities to create a sacred space with my Spiritual Team for recommendations on the Oracle Card Deck that would be a good fit for your Soul's essence or present Soul journey.
After I open a portal in my sacred space for the 3 Oracle Deck recommendations, I will email them to you.
Book an "Oracle Card Matching" session on the Calendar for when you'd like to receive your 3 Oracle Deck recommendations and I will have them to you at the end of that day, unless I contact you otherwise.
*Please note that even though you selected a specific time that day, they will be delivered before the end of the day.
If you opted for an Oracle Reading with your chosen recommended deck, then after you have responded to my email with your Oracle Deck selection, I will order them and reach out to you to let you know you can book an "Oracle Reading" session that's available on my calendar. We will use your new deck, go over Oracle Deck tips, use them for messages from your Spiritual Team/Guides and help you define your practice with them.
If you're looking for a general reading or want specific questions answered, Oracle Card Reading is the right service for you.
During your Oracle Reading, I may use classic Tarot, Lenormand or Oracle Cards. I give myself time before your session to open a portal to your Soul's essence and together with my Spiritual team, I select the right card deck(s) for our session.
I use a combination of my clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient abilities in conjunction with the messages/symbols found on the cards. Sometimes I may deliver a message direct from Spirit. Every reading I open a portal to the Akashic Record to connect to straight to your Soul.